Kinesiology Sydney - Kinesiology Courses
02 9498 3344 - Kinesiology Treatments & Courses Sydney
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Client Testimonials

Here are a few words written by past clients about their experience with Kiesiology Sydney"

I was suffering from fatigue, aching legs, numbness in my feet, persistant cough, weight gain, unexplained stress and i was feeling irriatable and irrational. I was also sleeping 10-12 hours per night still waking up exhausted.

I had been to see sevral doctors and have countless blood tests etc and the diagnosis was always the same - nothing was wrong with me!

I also saw a dietician, exercise physiologist and a natropath, accupuncturist and irridologist, all not to avail!

Nothing made me feel mentally or physically better and over time i gradually got worse.

Within 2 weeks after my initial appointment with Karen from Kinesiology Sydney the pain in my legs and muscles went as well as the numbness in my feet.  Karen put me on her anti- aging program as well as carrying out numerous balances and applying various corrections.

I now no longer need to sleep as much, i now have the energy to go to the gym and exercise daily. I wake up feeling happy and positive and remain that way all day. I can handle stressful situations, especially at work much better, i can also remain calm and focused.

Karens Kinesiology treatments and programs really does work, nothing else had ever worked so well for me.  

I cannot speak highy enough of the results i have managed to achieve through Karens Kinesiology treatments, i cannot believe how quickly the results have come about.

I can't imagine what would have happened if i hadn't been recomended to see Karen and give Kinesiology a go.

Thank You Karen - Thank You Kinesiology

Tracey  - Flight Atendant  2007

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