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What is Kinesiology?

is the new wave of therapy treatment sweeping the country that is being embraced by many as a real alternative to traditional treatments. 

Kinesiology applies a range of gentle yet powerful healing techniques to improve health and over all general wellbeing.

Kinesiology is defined primarily as the use of muscle testing or muscle monotoring to identify imbalances in the body, to establish the body's priority healing needs, and to identify corrections that will put the body into strength.

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Email Kinesiology Sydney if you have any questions about Kinesiology or about the Practising Kinesiology Course.

More Information about Kinesiology:
The Australian Kinesiology Association website explains that Kinesiology to the uninitiated, can be a somewhat perplexing experience. An often-heard comment from new clients is: "I don't know what the practitioner did, but it seemed to work because I definitely feel better".

A kinesiology treatment is known as 'a Balance' during which the client remains fully clothed. After comprehensive history taking the practitioner uses muscle monitoring to address energy imbalances.

Each Kinesiology balance is unique because it is determined by the responses gained from muscle monitoring.

An unlocking muscle test indicates a disturbed energy flow - be it structural, chemical, nutritional, mental, emotional and spiritual. This stress may manifest in the person as some form of disease, an accident, poor nutritional or postural habits, an unresolved argument, personal trauma or crisis, even as a misunderstanding. Stresses can also carry over from any time in the client's life.

For the client, most issues have been long forgotten because they tend to subside into the subconscious and are only brought back 'on-line', or into current consciousness, through the stimulus of a trigger event that in some way matches that past experience. When the bio-computer (brain) recognizes a stress match that it interprets as a survival threat, it can cause us to react in a similar way.

This is how individuals become locked into inappropriate behavioural patterns and often find themselves behaving like irrational children, despite the fact that as adults they really want to change their reaction to life's challenges.

During a Kinesiology balance, people are surprised to find themselves recalling long forgotten incidents. The person however, never forgets because our survival-oriented structure means we hold all memories, particularly memories of negative experiences, somewhere in our system. The subconscicus mind projects these experiences into the body, mind and soul, and outcome that gives rise to 'feelings'.

Consider how mental tension is felt as a tight jaw, tensed shoulders and a churning stomach. This is a purely mental event projected by the mind into the body as a physical sensation, such as pain or discomfort.

Kinesiology encompasses a vast array of balancing modalities with most of these emphasizing the power of emotions, particularly unresolved negative emotions.

Muscle monitoring can pinpoint these emotional triggers, and by bringing them back 'on-line', the person is given the chance to re-evaluate the events and the circumstances surrounding it.

In the context of their current life experience, they are then in a position to change their responses and to choose new and more relevant responses.

Choice is the real key to resolving many stresses. Where there is choice, there is balance and where there is balance, there is also optimal health.

Each Kinesiology balance is different because it honours the person's own healing potential and the sequence it follows to bring about the remarkable process that is healing.

Often it can seem too simple to have such an effective resolution. But as the Chinese sages taught so long ago: "A miracle is simply that which is divinely natural".

For More information on Kinesiology visit the
Australian Kinesiology Association

Useful Kinesiology Links:

Kinesiology Australia - Kinesiology Sydney - Kinesiology Association Australia - Kinesiology Australia - What is Kinesiology - Kinesiology Definition - Kinesiology Treatments - Kinesiology Australia - Kinesiology Sydney - Kinesiology Association Australia - Kinesiology Australia - What is Kinesiology - Kinesiology Definition - Kinesiology Treatments Kinesiology Australia - Kinesiology Sydney - Kinesiology Association Australia - Kinesiology Australia - What is Kinesiology - Kinesiology Definition - Kinesiology Treatments Kinesiology Australia - Kinesiology Sydney - Kinesiology Association Australia - Kinesiology Australia - What is Kinesiology - Kinesiology Definition - Kinesiology Treatments


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